Leontína Berková
You are number 21 on my to do list
Golden ratio
My thoughts have been replaced by Beoncé lyrics
Spatial studies
Landscape II.
Landscape I.
2021 Mixed media
Space, time, speed.
Pressure, release.
I run around the equator so fast that I’m frozen
in time. I will compete with eternity.
I have a dawn behind my back.
It’s still night and the west is at the forefront.
A scene that froze in the present forever.
The time that is happening right now. I always
I alwasy use the present to plan for the future.
Well, I’m still not # 1.
© Leontína Berková, 2016 - 2021. No part of this site, leontinaberkova.com,
may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the copyright owner.