

    In my work, I follow my long-standing interest in examining the medium of photography. I am looking for its limits, definitions and current limits. I’m creating a space installation, where I work with photos, photographic objects, and videos. I concentrate on a work with photography and its relationship to space. I leave the two-dimensional frame of the photography, investigating its relationship to space and sculptural potential. The stimulus for me become restrictions limiting the photographic medium.


    At the same time, I am interested in ecology and consumption in its everyday, which as a concept that is unique only to people.




2016 - 2018

Master of Arts Degree - Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, SK - Department of Phoography and New Media

2016 - 2017

Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, AT - Internship at Martin

Guttmann ́s Studio Photography and Art

2012 - 2016

Bachelor Degree Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava, SK - Depart ment of Phoography and New Media

2014 - 2015

Strzemiński Academy of Art Łódź , PL - Internship at Department of Visual Arts, Department of Textile and Department of Multimedia





Slovak Art Council - Year stipendium

Summer Academy Salzburg - supported with a stipendium by Tranzit and Erste Stifftung






You are number 21 on my to do list, HotDock project space, Bratislava Slovakia


Theories of Stage (with Dávid Biró), VUNU, Košice Slovakia

My thoughts have been replaced by Beyoncé lyrics, Phoinix Bratislava, Bratislava Slovakia






PHOTO IS:RAEL: New Visegrad Photography, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel

Vlajka, Galerie ŠPZ, Praha Česko

Beyond Perfection, National bank of Slovakia, Bratislava Slovakia

New Visegrad Photography 2021, Bohéma Gallery, Bratislava Slovakia

Fog, FOG Bratislava, Bratislava Slovakia

Talking Hands, Galéria Jána Koniarka, Trnava Slovakia


Smoke & Mirrors, Medium, Bratislava Slovakia

Born From Sea Foam, OFF Bratislava, Bratislava Slovakia


OFF_festival 2018: Raw bytes, Satori stage,Bratislava Slovakia

Not to capture an image, to maintain one, ABC, Bratislava Slovakia

Diploma works: Photography / Painting, Dom umenia, Bratislava Slovakia

Na prvý pohľad, ABC, Bratislava Slovakia


OFF_festival Bratislava 2017: PHO-BO,Bratislava Slovakia

KEBABB 17, Považská galéria umenia v Žiline, Žilina Slovakia

Białystok Interphoto Festival, Białystok Poland

Issues of Reality, Galeria Promocyjna ASP, Krakow Poland


Row, row, row your boat,gently down the stream, Vienna Austria

Daktylo-skopia, Campus Gallery, Košice Slovakia

Fovember: Not in your Mirror, VUNU/Klub, Košice Slovakia

European Month of Photography: Eyes on: Dialogue between

Photography and the Fine Arts, Vienna Austria

Das Beste, was wir zu Hause haben, Slowakisches Institut, Berlin Germany

Young Art Show, Piešťany Slovakia

Neighbouring, Tranzit, Bratislava Slovakia

Mor ho!, Medium, Bratislava Slovakia

Obchodná street, STU, Bratislava Slovakia


25 years of Photograhy at Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava Slovakia, Opava Czechia


Levice ́s Month of Photography, Levice Slovakia

Fall.used, AKM Culture days, Nové mesto nad Váhom Slovakia


