Leontína Berková

Site specific installation view at Phoinix Bratislava


2012 Site specific installation


    News about climate change, islands of plastic, suffering animals, scandals and conflicts have eventually become a part of our everyday routine.


    But what, in fact, mean our sudden ecological outbursts and what is the extent of our engagement? From an (unknowingly dyed piece of clothes with an eco slogan (bought online for a very lucrative price from an unknown Chinese company becomes just another thing from series of empty narcissistic gestures curated for our target group, instead of a well-meaning strong and visible statement with an urgent reference craving for immediate action. Likewise, it is possible and important to also reassess personal investment in other goods, whether it is organic food from an import or a recycled smartphone case, which travels to us for weeks from another continent. Many times funds spent on the purchase of similar items are not presenting a real contribution to a greener economy, whereas the ethics of production, durability of these products, as well as the way of transportation to the customer, are shifted to the detriment at the expense of a properly designed product according to the current market needs with a simple intent: to make a profit.



Exhibition review:



© Leontína Berková, 2016 - 2021. No part of this site, leontinaberkova.com,

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